Cargo Data
Overview of cargo data on one page
Cargo name and its synonyms. Additional information for identification such as UN No., CAS No., Chemical formular, Molecular weight and the USCG cargo group.
Product description containing appaerence and relevant toxicocolgy information as well as special handling requirements.
Physical properties which are relevant for tank cleaning and cargo safety.
Marpol Annex and Categories. Prewash information, Ship Type, Tank Type and Hazard Class.
Cleaning Proposals
Depending on the cargo to be cleaned, cleaning proposals for chemical trade and/or CPP/DPP trade will be displayed.
In case the cargo is traded in CPP/DPP trade (Fuels, Diesel oils, Bio fuels, other oil products and vegetable oils) recipes based on HM50 guidelines modified with MIRACLE know how will be displayed. In addtion chemical trade recipes will be shown for these cargoes because sometimes these cargoes are transported in between, although the ship is mainly trading in chemical trade. In this case other, more stringent requirements will apply.
In case the cargo is traded only in the chemical trdae, often several tankcleaning recipes are displayed for the same cargo. Select the best fit for the required cleaning job. There is the possibility to enter the next cargo and to display only the recipes which are appropriate for the next cargo.
Recipes consist of several tank cleaning steps (generic example):
Step | Method | Time | Temperature | Medium | Cleaner | Step Remark |
1 | Butterworth | 0,5 | ambient | Sea Water | Ambient temp due to flamability of cargo | |
2 | Recirculation | 1,5 | moderate | Fresh water | 0.5% cleanerXYZ | |
3 | Rinse | 0,2 | ambient | Fresh water |